Fisher, Franic & Associates is a team of professional healthcare providers committed to excellence in Occupational Therapy services. We have experience working with clients who have complex injuries including, but not limited to: acquired brain injury, stroke, chronic pain, and psychological impairments.
Our practice is guided by the principles of a client-centered philosophy and our commitment to quality of care.
Fisher, Franic & Associates is on the cutting edge of community-based rehabilitation and re-intergration services, working with adults with physical, cognitive, emotional and psychological impairments.
Extensive experience providing occupational therapy services for automobile insurance, ADP through the Government of Ontario, and Blue Cross, we are uniquely qualified for occupational therapy assessments and treatment programs.
The services we provide are tailored to each client as no one client is alike and each client's rehabilitation progression is unique. We complete extensive assessments and review client files to determine the severity of injury upon admission, to help guide treatment and determine the benefits available.